
目前显示的是 十二月, 2018的博文

How to Use Fiber Splice Closure?

Optical fiber termination by fusion splicing or mechanical splicing is very common now with the increasing development of fiber optic network. As optical fibers are sensitive to pulling, bending and crushing forces, fiber splice tray is used to provide a safe routing and easy-to-manage environment for the fragile optical fiber splices. In the past, the fiber splice tray was usually installed in a box that mounted to wall. Now, you can find a lot of places in fiber optic network using fiber splice tray. This tutorial is to illustrate where the fiber splice trays are required and how to use them. What Is Fiber Splice Tray? Fiber splice tray  is generally used to hold and protect individual fiber optic splices. There are mainly two types of fiber optic splices, one is fusion splices, the other one is mechanical splices. Fiber splice trays for fusion splices and mechanical splices are not the same. It is suggested to use specialized fiber splice trays for different fiber splices. An...

Building Structure of Optical Line Terminal (OLT)

With increasingly advanced and matured technologies in telecommunication network, Fiber to the Home (FTTH) has drawn much more attention of companies specialized in telecommunication nowadays. Generally, the FTTH broadband connections consist of two types of systems, known as Active Optical Networks (AON) and Passive Optical Networks (PON). And most of FTTH deployments are inclined to use a PON due to its low cost and high performance that can help to save a certain amount of money on fiber costs. A Gigabit Passive Optical Network (GPON) system generally contains an optical line terminal (OLT) at the service provider’s central office. As one of the indispensable components of PON, optical line terminal thus plays an essential role in the performance of the whole network connection. What Is OLT? An  OLT  (optical line terminal), also known as optical line termination, acts as the endpoint hardware device in a passive optical network. The OLT contains a central processi...

How GPON Works A GPON network is capable of transmitting ethernet, TDM (Time Division Multiplexing)

A GPON network is capable of transmitting ethernet, TDM (Time Division Multiplexing) as well as ATM traffic. A GPON network consists of  OLT  (Optical Line Terminals), ONU (Optical Network Unit), and a splitter. The splitter will divide the signal when needed. The  OLT takes in all of the optical signals in the form of beams of light from ONUs and will convert it to an electrical signal.  OLT s normally support up to 72 ports. An  ONU  connects to end users and will send their signals back to the  OLT . A GPON network can reach up to 20 km and provide service up to 64 end users. GPON utilizes both upstream and downstream data by means of Optical Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM). In downstream transmission, the lasers wavelength measures 1490 nm while the upstream wavelength measures 1550 nm. A single mode optical fiber coming from a central office, runs to a passive optical power splitter located near end users’ locations. The optical splitter...

What are MTP / MPO Fiber Cables?

MTP/MPO — High-Density Fiber Optic Cabling The quantity of data transmitted worldwide is growing exponentially and the need for ever-greater bandwidths is unrelenting. Though the current data volumes demanded in backbone cabling can still be handled with 10 GbE, the forecast trends will require the introduction of the next technologies, 40 GbE and 100 GbE. As a result, data centers must respond to provide sufficient capacities and plan for upcoming requirements. To meet this demand, 40G QSFP+ transceivers, MTP/MPO cables and other related products are now in the market. MTP/MPO cables in the data centers play an important role in ultra-high density cabling. Why are MTP/MPO Cables Used? The number of network connections in data centers is rising rapidly. Traditional fiber cables can make the data center crammed and difficult to manage. To solve this problem, data centers have to achieve ultra-high density in cabling to accommodate all of the cabling required. The MTP/MPO cables, which ...

The Difference between the Indoor And Outdoor Fiber Optic Cable

According to the different environment, fiber optic cable is generally divided into indoor cable and outdoor cable, indoor cable is formed by a certain process of cable, mainly by the optical fiber (such as hair glass) and plastic protective casing and plastic skin composition. Outdoor cable is a communication line to achieve optical signal transmission. By a certain number of fiber in accordance with a certain way to form a cable core, outsourcing jacket, and some also cover the outer layer. Mainly by the optical fiber and plastic protective casing and plastic skin composition. The tensile strength of the indoor fiber is small, the protective layer crosses, but relatively lightweight, economical, mainly used in horizontal cabling subsystems and vertical trunk subsystems. Outdoor cable tensile strength is greater, the protective layer is more heavy, and usually armored (that is, metal skin wrapped). Outdoor cable is mainly used between buildings, as well as the interconnection betw...

Differences between FTTH, FTTC, and FTTN

FTTH, FTTC and FTTN are fiber optic legs. Made of strands of glass, fiber optic Internet provides faster, smoother service with more room for signal traffic compared to traditional copper cable wires. FTTH (Fiber to the Home), FTTC (Fiber to the Curb) and FTTN (Fiber to the Node) refer to the wiring path and configuration the signals travel. The closer the fiber optic legs reach to the final destination, the better the connection. How do FTTH, FTTC and FTTN differ? FTTH (Fiber to the Home) moves between the property line switch box and the residents’ junction boxes. Because the connection goes directly to individual residences, FTTH offers a higher bandwidth. It’s expensive to install in some areas. Some carriers install fiber optics for this leg as a selling feature in new developments. But, a FTTH home has a disadvantage if a carrier needs to install a separate power line. Power and Internet signals don’t move together in fiber optics. FTTC (Fiber to the Curb) doe...

How PLC Splitter Work in the Network System?

As fiber optic link becomes more and more acceptable by average consumers, Passive Optical Network (PON) systems are more widely deployed in common homes. Fiber optic splitter is an indispensable passive optical device in PON systems. Optical splitters can be divided into Fused Biconical Taper (FBT) splitter and Planar Lightwave Circuit (PLC) splitter.  PLC splitte r  is newer than FBT splitter and is also the focus of this post. What Is PLC Splitter? PLC splitter, also called Planar Waveguide Circuit splitter, is used to divide one or two light beams to multiple light beams uniformly or combine multiple light beams to one or two light beams. It is a passive optical device with many input and output terminals, especially applicable to PON (EPON, GPON, BPON, FTTX, etc.) to connect the MDF (main distribution frame) and the terminal equipment and to branch the optical signal. Fiber PLC splitter provides a low cost light distribution solution with high stability and reliabili...